Snow on Snow on Snow on Snow
November/December 2016
Welcome to the world of Root & Star, the magazine for the WHOLE child — the wise, the wild, the strange, & the sweet.
We bring heartfelt literature and art to children all year long. Hooray!
In our sixth issue we celebrate the coming of winter and the coming of snow.
Snow can be quiet, snow can whistle, snow can change the way the world looks.
This issue features activities to do in the cold (bubbles, snow angels, maple syrup!), images of woods in snow, poetry about seeds and animals surviving winter, a Russian fox fable, and a snowpedia.
Issue 6 includes amazing work by the best talent and heart we know, including:
Alexandra Burda, Jeremy Charbonneau, Natalie Dupille, Filippa Edghill, Amanda Ferris, David Gregal Jr., Christine Hartzler, Erin Huber, Robb N. Johnston, Lida Larina, Sabrina Lee, Kay Leverton, Emilee Lord, Courtney Mandryk, Bethann Garramon Merkle, Jennifer Metsker, and Sarah McRae Morton.
40 full-color pages of beauty and life.
The 'target audience' for each magazine is children ages 2-8, or children who are being read to and/or are just learning to read — but because children are never far from their siblings and caregivers, we created a magazine that can be enjoyed by all ages, from 1 to 100.
Root & Star is published six times per year. Join us with one issue, or SUBSCRIBE here!